Little Sprouts Playgroup is an open get-together for parents and their children to meet weekly for an interactive and supportive experience as a part of the St Mary’s College community. Our Playgroup is open to babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers (aged 0-5 years) along with respective parents, grandparents and caregivers for a chance to mingle, play and connect to the community.
Little Sprouts Playgroup is part of the Supported Playgroups in Catholic Education (SPiCE) program. We entertain activities for you and your child, ranging from pretend play, STEM activities, art and music, literacy and numeracy and free play.
The Playgroup is held on Wednesday Mornings from 9:00 am to 10:30 am and is located at St Mary’s College OSHC Room.
All you will need to bring for Playgroup is:
- A healthy snack
- A drink
- A hat for outdoor play
Playgroup Cost
$3 per child / $4 per family
To register for the Little Sprouts Playgroup, click below.