Upcoming Events

2025 Term Dates

Term 1

Tuesday, 28 January
Term 1 commences for Year 7 and 12 students | Junior School Open Morning from 9:00-10:30am

Wednesday 29 January
Term 1 commences for R-6 and Year 8-11 students

Friday 11 April 
End of Term 1

Term 2

Monday, 28 April 
Pupil Free Day | Staff Formation Day

Tuesday, 29 April
Term 2 commences

Thursday, 3 July 
End of Term 2

Friday, 4 July 
Pupil Free Day | Staff Formation Day

Term 3

Monday 21 July 
Pupil Free Day | Staff Formation Day

Tuesday 22 July 
Term 3 commences

Friday 26 September
End of Term 3

Term 4

Monday 13 October
Term 4 commences

Thursday 4 December
End of Term 4

We acknowledge that we live, learn and work on the traditional land of the Kaurna people.

We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land.

We acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Kaurna people living today.


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253 Franklin Street Adelaide,
SA 5000

PHONE+61 8 8216 5700