Principal's Welcome

I am proud and energised to be the leader for the St Mary’s College community.

This school has existed to welcome and educate girls and young women since 1869 and is a beautiful synergy of honoured tradition and modern, evidence-based practice. In our Dominican tradition, we believe that our traditions and our stories adapt and change as each new person weaves their thread into the fabric of the community. We are stronger, richer and renewed by the gifts brought by each individual.

I am at my best when I feel known, listened to, respected and safe to learn. My core purpose and primary responsibility is to find ways for every person in this community to experience these same things. Every person deserves to be known, listened to, respected and safe to learn.

Our college theme “I am.” says to the world and to each other:

  • we are each made in the image of God
  • we are perfectly imperfect and always able to learn and become
  • we are enough right now
  • we must be ourselves and protect others’ rights to do the same
  • we are capable, confident, resilient, creative and spirited individuals -  together we are brilliant.

Welcome to our school of active minds and compassionate hearts.

Mrs Heidi Senior
St Mary's College

We acknowledge that we live, learn and work on the traditional land of the Kaurna people.

We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land.

We acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Kaurna people living today.


St Mary's College Ltd
253 Franklin Street Adelaide,
SA 5000

PHONE+61 8 8216 5700